I’ve Been Reincarnated as a Villainess’s Older Brother - Chapter 65
Translator: NovelMultiverse | Editor: NovelMultiverse
For a long time, Diana’s picture book of choice was “Why is the bunny’s ears long?”.
At last, the other day, that picture book was inducted in the hall of fame, and recently she had begun to carry around her new favorite book.
While Cain was at the Castle training in swordsmanship, Ilvalino was caught and was asked to read to her.
Whenever Ilvalino reported the “Todays Diana” Cain would look at him with resentful eyes, and he wanted Cain to forgive him.
Diana’s recent favorite was a picture book called “The Girl Knight Nina”, to protect the other girls from the mean boys she became a knight and defeated the mean boys.
The picture of Nina wearing the Knight’s uniform, pretending to clean like a maid with a swell to her cheeks was her favorite page and she took great interest in it.
The Elgrandark house garden was always kept neat by the old gardener.
The flowers are picked before they fall, and the fallen leaves were swept up before the family sees them.
So, it was coincidental and miraculous timing.
Diana was picked up by the cleaning maid and went outside to the backyard from the servant’s exit. Right before their eyes, a tree branch fell.
It was a reasonably long branch with a single dead leaf hanging from it.
Dianna’s eye grew large and round, she began to pick up the branches like they were jewels and brought them up to her face to peer at them.
She looked at the tree branch sideways and from the top to the bottom she examined it.
Satisfied by the examination, this time with her right hand she raced the branch then swung it down.
The thin tree branch cut through the wind with a whishing sound.
Diana seemed to be moved, her eyes were big and shining as she smiled happily at the branch in her hand.
“Sacred sword Ariad!”
That was the name of the word that the girl knight Nina used.
Good naturedly Diana began humming a song as she walked around swinging the branch.
First Ilvalino was proud and after lunch, Cain returned and he was proud all over again.
As he walked toward the main gates, two guards and Ilvalino were standing there.
Diana wanted to run to Ilvalino right away to show off her sacred sword, but her feet stopped, and she stood still.
The knight’s sword was about to go over Ilvalino’s head but he quickly side stepped the blow.
After that, he evaded the knight’s down swinging blade by spreading his legs and lowering his head, then he slid and attempted to knock the knight off his feet.
“Il, watch out!”
Diana yelled and with all her might ran forward.
The knight who evaded the back step took a large step forward to close the distance.
Diana raced toward Ilvalino who was trying to regain his footing by making a full turn with his momentum.
Diana rushed into the knight’s face with great momentum as he tried to swing down his sword.
Ilvalino intentionally fell into the rotation so he wouldn’t kick Diana.
Sarasinia stopped the momentum of the down swinging sword with his shoulders and arm.
In the meantime, Dianna slipped in.
Diana slammed the holy sword into the side of Sarasinia.
“We will not forgive the bullying of the weak! It is not cool to be mean! The girl knight Diana has arrived!”
She raised her sword over her head like a true adult knight.
The knight looked at the tree branch the girl pointed at him.
Behind the girl, the boy fell on his back.
Looking from the outside, it looked as if a female knight was protecting the boy from the bad knights.
Dianna struck and a pose and gave a smug expression.
Sarasinia looked up at her with a sour face as Diana lowered her sword and for the time being apologized.
After hearing that she nodded then turned to reach out to Ilvalino.[Read this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at the “Novel Multiverse dot com” website @ novelmultiverse.com]
”It is useless to fight unkindness with more unkindness. Since he has said he is sorry let’s forgive.”
The female knight Nina had also said that.
Ilvalino took her outstretched hand and tried to stand up, but Cororin and Diana could not support his weight and rolled over him.
“Well, I wasn’t getting bullied. I was having them practice with me.”
Diana stood up, and Ilvalino stood up and as they patted the dust off themselves Ilvalino explained.
This was because it would get the two knights in trouble if Diana says they were pointing swords at Ilvalino. It wasn’t good to lay false charges.
“That’s right. Master Cain has started swordsmanship practice at the castle. So, I can’t lose to him…”
The other two knights nodded in agreement.
Until he had gone to the castle, Ilvalino and Cain had both been trained by the two knights.
Now it was just Ilvalino so there wasn’t a fixed time but rather whenever they could make time to do it.
“Di also practices the sword! Di also becomes a knight!”
The holy sword Ariad was stuck against Arunorudia but the other two knights just looked troubled.
Ilvalino gently took Diana’s hand with the tree branch and lowered it. He bent down a little so they could be on the same eye level.
“Missus Diana. If you practice with them and they injure you, they would be scolded. It could be a mean thing to do.”
Diana looked shocked.
For Diana who was trying to be a knight for justice, it would be shocking to try to do something mean.
“Let’s get permission. Ask the masters of the house if you can train and if they say it is okay, ask these two again.”
Diana nodded obediently, once Ilvalino saw this he turned to the other two and said, “This is it for today. Thank you.” He bowed politely.
He held Diana’s hand as they walked to the main entrance. First, they asked Elyse but Diana was told no.
Diana’s face was sticky with the tears that she cried, finally Elyse said, “If your father says it’s okay, then it’s fine.” and threw the decision to Dismiya.
After lunch, Cain returned, and Diana immediately showed off her holy sword Ariad.
“Amazing! You are the female knight! You look so cool as a female knight!”
Cain praise Dianna every time she made a pose.
Then, I took a ruler out of the desk and held it with one hand.
“You are an impertinent girl! I will defeat you!”
Cain screamed the line of the boy from the picture book and raised the ruler.
When Diana swung Ariad in a flurry, it struck the tip of the ruler.
In response, Cain threw the ruler, exaggeratedly fell to his knees and held his arm while roaring.
“Ah! Alas, how strong the girl is!”
Cain’s words caused Dianna’s eyes to sparkle.
After the boy’s line, there is Nina’s infamous line.
“Cuteness is justice! Pretty girls are invincible!”
Dianna posed and gave a smug expression.
Cain thought the line from the picture book might cause problems, but Diana’s face was so cute thinking there was nothing wrong with saying the line.
Diana who had beaten Cain began practicing with the Knights of the Guard and gained confidence.
Diana, who was full of self-confidence, chanted magic incantations loudly in magic class, making Mr. Tirnoa laugh, and she played the violin vigorously and made Mr. Kreis cry.
Then at the dinner table, she expressed an interest to learn from her father Dismiya but was rejected.
Diana emphasized how strong and cool she would be by becoming a knight, but it didn’t work.
Cain who had been struck by Diana, crying and desperate, offered to supervise the training with the knights of the guard.
You could give up if you see a grown adult training hard getting blown back or having a nosebleed. But if Cain was there, he would be able to make sure nothing happened.
He explained the idea to Diana.
After, Dismiya said “I wish I had permission from the knights.”
Cain had forgotten something important because he was too busy showing off his good points.
“Is that alright? Isn’t the crown prince Arundilano training with the Knights? Didn’t you want to see him?”
While Ilvalino changed Cain’s nightwear he said that Cain looked desperate like he had just stepped on horse manure with his new shoes.
He was forgetting things too much and many contradictions had appeared.
Now that work had settled down, he was going to organize all the information.
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